ADAM-5550KW 微PAC采用AMD Geode GX533 CPU ,具有看門狗定時器、電池備份RAM和確定性I/O。ADAM-5550KW在CE 5.0中支持IEC 61131-3 5種標準編程語言。內置VGA端口,可自由選擇HMI軟件,用戶在應用中不再需要單獨構建額外的SCADA PC。這款緊湊和強大的微PAC是256 I/O點應用的理想選擇。
產品描述 | |
ADAM-5000/485-AE | 4-slot Distributed DA&C System Based on RS-485 |
ADAM-5000/TCP-BE | 8-slot Distributed DA&C System Based on Ethernet |
ADAM-5000E-AE | 8-slot Distributed DA&C System for RS-485 |
ADAM-5000L/TCP-AE | 4-Slot Ethernet-based Distributed DA&C System |
ADAM-5510-A3E | PC-based Programmable Controller |
ADAM-5510/TCP-BE | 4-slot PC-based Controller with Ethernet |
ADAM-5510E-A1E | 8-slot PC-based Programmable Controller |
ADAM-5510E/TCP-BE | 8-slot PC-based Controller with Ethernet |
ADAM-5510EKW/TP-CE | 8-slot Ethernet-enabled SoftLogic Controller |
ADAM-5510KW-A1E | 4-slot PC-based SoftLogic Controller |
ADAM-5510KW/TCP-AE | 4-slot Ethernet-enabled SoftLogic Controller |
ADAM-5510M-A2E | 4-slot PC-based Programmable Controller |
ADAM-5550CE-BE | 8-slot PAC |
ADAM-5550KW-BE | 8-slot Programmable Automation Controller |
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